3rd June 2020

Creating a positive working environment

I feel honored that you decided to read this. It means that you have become aware of your surroundings and how it can affect the way you think.

It is important that we learn HOW to:

  • How to adapt your thought
  • How to build on trust on existing relationships and establishing new relationships
  • How to set boundaries and stand your ground
  • How to be aware of your surroundings

The purpose of this article is to adapt your thought process to your environment currently, May it be doing more online zoom meeting or actually being at work. No matter what the circumstances may be, this article can provide you with tools and knowledge that you may find useful to motivate yourself and create your own self-awareness.

Defining the importance of positive thought

When a thought makes you SMILE it STIMULATES CREATIVITY.

“Positive thinking is a mental attitude in which you expect good and favorable results. In other words, positive thinking is the process of creating thoughts that create and transform energy into reality” (Manford, 2013). If we think about it for a moment. Your thought can control your mood, which can control the way you react to the surrounding environment. When you get out of bed in a grumpy mood, what happens? How does the rest of the day look like? Even if people cannot read your mood as much as they good previously, they can still read and see through zoom on certain key behaviors.

Have you ever put the television on silence and tried to identify what the person was saying, or finding out what emotion they may have at that point. Emotions are a universal connected. I do not need to speak you language to know what emotion you are experiencing. Our emotions can as times get the better of us.

It is a proven fact an individual with a positive attitude toward life are generally more successful professionally and personally, than someone with negative thoughts. It is not easy to be happy all the time, no one said it will be easy or given to you on a silver platter. In the beginning you need to trick you mind in letting it think positive thoughts.

Many people have responded to this argument saying “I am not negative nor am I positive, I am just being realistic”. To be honest, there is a difference between being realistic versus trying to build an positive attitude around your circumstances. My respond would be to rather take the time and weigh up the evidence. If a persons first impression/tendency is to think negative, then they will have to convince their brain a little bit more. The question is how do you trick your own mind?


  1. What makes you feel good about your work?
  2. What makes you feel good when you are home?
  3. How do you feel around certain people?

Benefits of positive thinking (A very well known fact)

  • Reduces daily stress
  • Increase your health
  • Makes you feel confidence
  • Live a happier and longer life
  • You will have more friends
  • Better management of important decisions
  • Sparks creativity
  • Coping Mechanism
  • Reduce Anxiety

What example can you think of that would change in your life because you are thinking positively?

Strategy for negative thoughts

  1. Identify your negative thought?
  2. What is your current state of mind?
  3. What barriers or situation are you in?
  4. How can you overcome barrier?
  5. What can you change now to change the circumstances?

It is important that you need to be aware of your inner thoughts, as 80% consist of your mindset and energy field (Energy Spheres) and only 20% consist of what you put outside into the world. By creating a shift, you abrupt change - a quantum leap.

Here are some example of how you can become conscious of your negative thoughts.

It is important to identify them and then make the change.

Self – Destruction: You blame yourself for when something goes wrong or does not work out. We all have different roles that we play/ responsibility. Able to influence the people we interact with, but it unreasonable to think that you can control them. We are accountable for the way we act towards others. But you are not responsible for others behaviors.

Reverse Filter: When you focus on filtering the wrong type of information. You focus more on the negative things and forget about the positive attributes. Example You are a great worker and do everything on time. Now you received a compliment. You forget about the compliment and just focus on what needs to be done.

Disastrous: One thing may go wrong and you automatically think it will set the pace for the day.

Creating anxiety: If something isn’t perfect, you see it as a total failure instead of as an opportunity for learning. Do not do this to your self.

What kind of environment do you want?

Setting achievable goals

When setting goals for yourself, you need to look at different aspects of your life. You cannot let one half of you life be better than the other half. You need to learn how to balance all your spheres in your life.

  • Home
  • Spiritual
  • Environmental
  • Physical Health
  • Education
  • Social
  • Financial
  • Career - Especially working from home

Tips on how to adapt your thought process

Change is inevitable. If you are not willing to change, you are not willing to learn. Which means you are not willing to grow.  It is important to look from the outside into the self. This process is called Existentialism Therapy. “We are not victims of circumstances because to a large extent, we are what we choose to be” (Corey, 2013 p. 128). Important to accept the things we cannot change and change the things that we can. And become aware of our consciousness shaping how we deal with client and other around us.

Change is not easy, but learning the piano is neither. It takes practice, effort, positive attitude to realise that it is possible. Here are some fundamental tips that can help to create the new you:

Encouraged word when speaking: Stay away from negative words such as “I cant”, “I don’t know if I should”. Replace negative words with positive inspiration. Convince yourself that you are capable of having positive relationships, to have a great career, or for you to stay fit.

Remove negative feelings: Our feeling can control the way we think. If you are upset, you automatically feel upset and that the world is against you. Take time, acknowledge that you are upset but don’t let it rule you.

Affirmation: Repeat positive phrases, to help you release bad energy, energy that is stuck.

Visualisation: See yourself in a space where you only allow yourself to be. Nobody can bother you there. It is just you and you thought. See what you want to achieve and see how your path will go in getting there.

Redirect thoughts: When you feel a little unbalanced (Depressed, anxious, angry), try to push yourself into thinking about something that makes you feel happy or makes you feel better about something that has happened.

Start thinking you will succeed! See how you are creating a space in which you you’re your confidence and create a successful space in which you stop doubting your abilities but embrace what you can do.

Analyse what went wrong. Just reflex on you daily routine or something that went wrong and see how you could have done it differently.

Forgive you! You should also forgive yourself if you did not handle something in the right way. Learn from it and move forward and forgive yourself in promise never to be like that again.

Think of a failure as an opportunity.  Losing your job can be a good opportunity to open your own business or go back to school and learn something. Never see it as something that can bring you down.


Solomon Mickey Manford August 10, 2013 at 08:25, https://leadingpers

7 Tips for Creating a Positive Workplace Culture | Inc.com



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